Thnol Tol Toeung

Kampong Speu | 2022 | Architecture | In-progress

Located along National Road 4 in Kampong Speu, this residential scheme forms part of a mixed-use development that sits adjacent to an existing industrial complex.

  • Located along National Road 4 in Kampong Speu, this residential scheme forms part of a mixed-use development that sits adjacent to an existing industrial complex.

    The proposal aims to revitalise a neglected expanse, breathing life into the site to foster a vibrant community. Comprising a collection of eighty, three to four-story buildings, the development integrates both residential and commercial functions across two defined zones.

    The buildings are arranged along an east-west axis, forming the zone between the national road and the industrial complex. A park acts as both a buffer zone as well as a space for community and play.

    Residents' access is strategically situated at the rear of the buildings, highlighted by timber to enhance privacy and create a sense of intimacy. The façade is articulated through a series of fins and deep balconies, providing shading solutions to mitigate excessive solar exposure.

    A central focus of the masterplan's design was to incorporate abundant greenery and extensive planting as well as prioritising local materials and craftsmanship, facilitating a low-carbon model that minimises environmental impact.

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